Friday 18 November 2011

What's Your Study Strategy, Smart or Hard

Do you know how you study? if yes then answer these questions. Do you study hard or study smart? Do you study all day long or you have a study routine? If you are the smart studying guy or girl  and you have a study routine then i will encourage you to keep it up but if other wise you have to change that today.

If you want to score good grades without losing too much of the valuable time, then you ought to focus on how to study smart and not hard. So do really want to study hard or smart? Let's find out. This kind of studying procedure is best for defeating the examination scares, and concluding all the essential chapters of the syllabus in time. There are some guidelines that will help you to smart study but not hard .

Before you begin your study, you ought to have an understandable plan about your goals. Start your studies by attending classes frequently. Fairly often teachers talk about significant chapters or passages in the classrooms. So, attending these sessions will help you in understanding the theme.

The achievement of this “smart study not hard” hypothesis will as well necessitate you to take notes. This will assist you refer to the explanations or vital definitions each time you need it. Taking notes is also a good approach to remember significant things.

Do not go on studying throughout the day. You should also allocate some time for leisure activities or games. Exercise regularly. Every one of these will have an encouraging outcome on your body and in some way help you to focus better.

For a smart study,not hard, you can also build up the tendency of reading clearly. This will advance your retention ability because your ear will be hearing the sounds of all the word that you verbalize. You can study either in the morning or at night. A perfect study time ought to be the hours when you can muse really well.

Smart students listen always to the lectures carefully. You should also endeavor to do some additional work that will facilitate you move further on than the average students. Writing down a study-routine also will be of assistance but make sure that you tag along it to the core.

Tag along the aforementioned information to study smart not hard that will help you to shelter better grades.

Friday 11 November 2011

What makes some students succeed While Others Don't

What makes some students succeed while others struggle in college?

As a university student, I see many students, many students who were successful and many students who are struggling to cope with the workload and pressures of university life. I found out that the differences between these two groups has nothing to do with intelligence or ability, but students who have successfully tend to have better strategies and approaches to the university. In recent years I have been interested in these few key differences that make the students to excel in higher education, and tried to teach them. The results of this are a series of notes that I tried without benefit of any great skill in English, to become that and some other items. So without further ado or preamble ....

How to succeed without really looking at the University much more difficult than they already are

In the first half of any university or college is not fucking funny. If you are likely to be the way it is not because you have too much at the bar and not enough in the library. The first half is difficult for many reasons, but there are simple ways to make it better.

Be honest, everyone loves you in high school. You had friends, close friends, and you generally knew where everything was and how it would work (if you came to college from a job working for alternative high school). Were you know the system and your place in this world. The university is not so. At first it is overwhelming, you have classes in dozens of buildings with literally thousands of different people, none of them you know. Instructors race through educational materials and tutors tend to assume you know how to do something unless you tell them something else. Typically, you feel you're the only difficulty, but you are not!

Most people are struggling in the first half, because they have no social support network at the university. There are basically social animals, and the lack of a support network is so traumatic for us no harm. It ', however, a couple of things you can do to help. First, talk to everyone. About 90% of the students is having this problem and are only too aware to build a support network, to be smarter than that. Pretend you're five and is the first day of school, talking to everyone, sits next to teachers, asking them where are good places for lunch, what they are majoring in engineering and what they have found the challenge so far. Go to a lot of coffee (careful, some of the University of the coffee is terrible), relating to all student clubs to meet your needs .... and then go to the meetings .... and then talk to people there.

Some of the friends I made in undergrad is still in my immediate environment of today, these are people who share many of your interests and with whom you have much in common. And then use the greatest resource hidden in a university ...

A look at the faculty room, to find the elderly. Normally, sitting near the front, are incredibly organized , and a few thousand questions to each teacher. These students are of mature age, and you need to get to know them. Mature age students are usually returning to study after a period of work to change the track, are lean, Mean Machine, and the study site, it's your job to make friends with them. Advantages of friendship of students are more mature than to have someone very dedicated to their research, their experience of life is different from yours, they are more concentrated and worldlier, and generally have more contact with industry and the broader set of skills. In short, it's interesting people and not the kind of people who usually hang out that  will broaden your horizons.

Secondly, it is necessary to inform the academic staff. Universities are great place, and we have many students.  I remember the names of the two types of students, who are deliberately stubborn and annoying (not a good group to be in) and those who are interested. Enthusiastic students are the reasons why those who teach, remember that I am about the biggest nerd in the world that I do, and what I do is help does who wanted help. If you are interested in something that a speaker speaks, ask them about it after class, email them to read more and then drop by his office to discuss them. If you find journal articles teachers, reading and going to office hours and ask questions about them (even if only partially related to the course being studied), which are highlighted.

Personally, I would use the term as the diamond in the rough. And the closer i know that you are serious  the more time I'm willing to spend helping you, either by explaining the content of lectures in a different way, which gives further guidance or feedback or to discuss inter-ship opportunities and scholarships for summer. This type of aid is incredibly useful for growing both your knowledge and career opportunities.

Stay tune

Amazing Secrets Smart Students Are Secluded In Their Belts For Years, And Start Getting Better Test

While there are hundreds of studies showing that many of the tests do not measure intelligence or real chance of success, the reality is most of the universities, but measure the student's academic field.

For this reason it is important that you learn to do well on a test and succeed in college to pursue his post-graduate career potential for success.

Test taking strategies

So what can you do to increase your test results without necessarily committing more time at the library?

Fortunately, there are hundreds of time tested strategies, intelligent students have used for years. The tips below will help increase your test results without committing yourself to countless hours at the library.

Test test smart tips for students

Study two days before your test in order to preserve as much information as possible.

Conduct a brief "re-cap" or self-test the day before the test. Just spend 20 minutes or less review the documents.

Studying does not disturb the environment, every 1-2 hours.

Be sure to highlight key points in the text and read each chapter summary to refresh their knowledge on a particular topic.

Talk to your teacher at least a week before the race and go on your study strategy. Your teacher can highlight gaps in their thinking and make sure to study all the "essential" information that will be on the test.

Fuel your brain with the energy-rich diet first experiment pages. Bran muffins, perfect for breakfast and fruit are good choices. Chocolate bars and coffee are not.

Get a good night the night before your test. You can find a lot of time to party the night after your big test.

Make sure you know where your test is carried out and show up 15 minutes early to relieve pre-test anxiety.

Read the test instructions. Nine out of ten errors can be attributed to a lack of understanding of test requirements.

Be sure to ask the teacher if you are not clear on all issues or questions.

If you try to remember a lot of dates or specific facts which will answer all questions in the test with this information first if you do not have to worry about remembering everything, the entire test.

Sit in a secluded area and not interfere with the classroom in order to take the test alone.

Go with your instinct and do not change the answers when you look at the tests. The first instinct is usually correct.

Intelligent Test takers also reduce anxiety before a test by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing. Remember, the more you stress about a test, the less likely you are to do well. Consider a meditation just five minutes before your test to empty your mind of thoughts without rest.

Even by adopting some of these strategies, you will probably find the results to improve significantly in a short period of time.

Top Ten Tips Smart Student Know You Will Like To Know

If you look closely around in your class, there are always a few students excelling in every course. Have you ever thought of how you can be like them?

OK, it is simply: Just emulate what they do!
Smart students have well-patterned study skills, starting up in lectures. Here are the top 10 tips in how to be the smart ones in lectures – getting the most out of classroom time

ü  Come to class organized – read through the chapter first before going into the lecture, this is the major that differ A’s from B’s.

ü Keep the curious mind – as you glance through the chapter, try to suggest a list of questions and also find answers to those questions during lectures. Also write down the questions on the instructor’s lecture as it goes.

ü  Note down your own lecture notes – Take brief notes during lectures and complete them soon after class when it’s still fresh in memory.

ü  Rewrite you own headings as questions – The questioning headings and subheadings aggravate your vital thinking and intensify your understanding.

ü  Make a master list of questions – Try to find answers to those questions during lectures and reading.

ü  Make a master list of keywords – The understanding of key concepts and their inter-relationship i.e. there connections to each other will give you the true mastery of that chapter. Use flash cards for them too.

ü  take a seat in the front of the class – This will keep your center of attention better and engage more. It is what smart students do.

ü  Ask questions in lecture – Don’t be afraid to lift up your hand. The more you ask the smarter you become.

ü  Survey the instructor for exam clues – Mark down the key concepts as hinted by your instructor. Pay attention and you will know.

ü  Avoid being a lecture skipper – Don’t ever miss a lecture. This is a formula for failure. Also don’t bother to record the lecture in tape or MP3. Knowing you are going to re-listen to the lecture gives you a pretext not to listen watchfully.

ü  Get noticed by your instructor - Come early and stay behind to ask questions and help out the instructor. Let him or her know your name. Take advantage of office hours. When it comes to assigning your grade, it really helps

Whether you are taking high school basic chemistry, general chemistry or college physics or even preparing MCAT Physics, MCAT Chemistry or MCAT Biology, or biology online courses, these study guidelines will give you a lively frame over other students. Get the utmost help you need from your instructor in class (chemistry help, biology help, physics help or whatever courses you are taking).

Be smart, do what the smarty’s do!

Stay tune for more post on “Secrets Smart Student Know”