Friday 11 November 2011

Top Ten Tips Smart Student Know You Will Like To Know

If you look closely around in your class, there are always a few students excelling in every course. Have you ever thought of how you can be like them?

OK, it is simply: Just emulate what they do!
Smart students have well-patterned study skills, starting up in lectures. Here are the top 10 tips in how to be the smart ones in lectures – getting the most out of classroom time

ü  Come to class organized – read through the chapter first before going into the lecture, this is the major that differ A’s from B’s.

ü Keep the curious mind – as you glance through the chapter, try to suggest a list of questions and also find answers to those questions during lectures. Also write down the questions on the instructor’s lecture as it goes.

ü  Note down your own lecture notes – Take brief notes during lectures and complete them soon after class when it’s still fresh in memory.

ü  Rewrite you own headings as questions – The questioning headings and subheadings aggravate your vital thinking and intensify your understanding.

ü  Make a master list of questions – Try to find answers to those questions during lectures and reading.

ü  Make a master list of keywords – The understanding of key concepts and their inter-relationship i.e. there connections to each other will give you the true mastery of that chapter. Use flash cards for them too.

ü  take a seat in the front of the class – This will keep your center of attention better and engage more. It is what smart students do.

ü  Ask questions in lecture – Don’t be afraid to lift up your hand. The more you ask the smarter you become.

ü  Survey the instructor for exam clues – Mark down the key concepts as hinted by your instructor. Pay attention and you will know.

ü  Avoid being a lecture skipper – Don’t ever miss a lecture. This is a formula for failure. Also don’t bother to record the lecture in tape or MP3. Knowing you are going to re-listen to the lecture gives you a pretext not to listen watchfully.

ü  Get noticed by your instructor - Come early and stay behind to ask questions and help out the instructor. Let him or her know your name. Take advantage of office hours. When it comes to assigning your grade, it really helps

Whether you are taking high school basic chemistry, general chemistry or college physics or even preparing MCAT Physics, MCAT Chemistry or MCAT Biology, or biology online courses, these study guidelines will give you a lively frame over other students. Get the utmost help you need from your instructor in class (chemistry help, biology help, physics help or whatever courses you are taking).

Be smart, do what the smarty’s do!

Stay tune for more post on “Secrets Smart Student Know”

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